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Really cool, yeah the art has same face syndrome and what not but its good to start somewhere, even some of the biggest animes and Western cartoons deal with some form of the problem so its not really a negative for me. Maybe as time goes on and more people help out there could slowly be some asset overhauls. I love the camera angles, many animators tend to forget to add some variety not realizing that different angles and perspectives can add more levels of cinematography that not even pretty colors can do. Writing-wise, it's very good for a pilot. The personalities are very basic sure, but they can easily be expanded upon in later episodes, sometimes it's better to start off small and the very basics of everyone then trying to shoe horn in too much depth at once (Something a lot of modern pilots in my opinion seem to struggle with, going with a go big or go home approach when smaller approaches can go a long way in overall story pacing.) I can;t wait to watch episode 2 and i hope the dontations for epsidoe 3 come in clutch! Maybe instead of kickstarter you could use indie gogo for epsiode 4 as kickstarter will not give you any of the funds if you dont hit your goal, while indie gogo from what i understand will elt you keep all funds donated even if the goals not hit. (Basically better to get some money then none at all) You and your team should be very proud of yourselves man, keep up the good work.

TheApoke responds:

Thanks for the constructive criticism! I'll try to fix the same face syndrome going forward. I tried by giving them different noses and slightly different eyes but I can do more to make them look unique. Thanks for the advice! I am definitely considering indiegogo or patreon for later projects, I really don't like how Kickstarter doesn't have flexible funding.

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